

16,50 16.5 RP


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Tinggi: 76.5 mm
Lebar: 39.6 mm
Ketebalan: 5.4 mm
Berat: 31 gram

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Desain. iPod paling tipis yang pernah ada.

Seukuran kartu kredit dan tebalnya hanya 5.4 mm. iPod nano adalah iPod tertipis yang pernah dibuat. Layar Multi-Touch 2.5 inchi ini hampir dua kali lebih besar dari layar iPod nano sebelumnya, sehingga Anda dapat melihat lebih banyak musik, gambar, dan video yang Anda sukai.

Tombol memudahkan Anda untuk play, pause, mengganti lagu, atau mengatur volume. Desain aluminium yang mulus membuat iPod nano terasa sebaik suaranya. Dan iPod nano bukanlah iPod nano tanpa warna anggun yang membuat Anda sulit membuat pilihan.

Music. It's what beats inside.

How to get your groove on.

Tap to play your favorite songs. Or entire albums. Or everything by one artist. You can even browse by genres or composers. Flip through your music: Album art looks great on the bigger screen. Or to keep things fresh, give iPod nano a shake and it shuffles to a different song in your music library.

Genius. DJ personal Anda.

Say you’re listening to a song you love and you want to stay in the mood. Just tap Genius. It finds other songs on iPod nano that go great together and makes a Genius playlist for you. For more song combinations you wouldn’t have thought of yourself, create Genius Mixes in iTunes and sync the ones you like to iPod nano. Then tap Genius Mixes and rediscover songs you haven’t heard in a while — or find music you forgot you even had.

Playlists. The perfect mix for every mood.

Sync to your heart’s content.

iTunes on your Mac or PC makes it easy to load up your iPod. Just choose the playlists, audiobooks, podcasts, and other audio files you want, then sync.

When one playlist isn’t enough.

You probably have multiple playlists in iTunes on your computer. One for your commute. One for the gym. Sync those playlists to iPod, and you can play the perfect mix for whatever mood strikes you. VoiceOver tells you the name of each playlist, so it’s easy to switch between them and find the one you want without looking.

Perintah Genius untuk menyalakan nada.

There’s another way to get a good mix of music on iPod: Let Genius do the work. Activate Genius in iTunes on your computer, and it automatically finds songs that sound great together. Then it creates Genius Mixes, which you can easily sync to your iPod. It’s the perfect way to rediscover songs you haven’t listened to in forever.